Why would a bride have surgery a month before her wedding? Not plastic surgery. Though, I might need that to put my bellybutton back the way it was...
The tale of the cyst begins almost four months ago when the stress of wedding planning and switching Phunny Pharm's was only beginning. I started complaining about odd pains in my hip. About a month later I couldn't even come in to work unless I had filled myself with over the counter pain medicine.
One night at work I convinced myself I was having a side effect from the drugs I was taking and my dad took me to the Emergency Room. I felt ridiculous since I wasn't actively in pain, but I didn't know where the pain was coming from. They did a CAT scan and left dad and I in a room while the Captain changed his tire. (He was amazing through this whole entire thing.) The Captain came in just before the doctor did and the doctor informed me that I had an “Ovarian Cyst.”
My response was something like this face O.o
Nice sterile picture of the HORRORS going on inside my body. Seriously, do not image search ovarian cyst. |
The Captain went home because it was nearly eleven o'clock and he had been working all day, and my dad did some research on his phone.
“They say that if it's more than five centimeters across it has to be surgically removed immediately.”
“Ok, well, the doctor doesn't seem worried so I guess mine must be pretty small.”
I went to my doctor the next week. The doctor wasn't in, but I was asked if I wanted to be seen by her nurse.
“I don't care, I just want someone to look at this.”
“The CAT scan shows it's about four centimeters across. These things rupture on their own, but it will really really hurt when it does.”
“Alright, then what do I do?”
“Oh, just wait for it to rupture, but just to let you know it will really REALLY hurt when it does.”
“See you in six weeks!”
After about three weeks I had to start taking the pain medicine the ER doctor gave me, and two weeks after that I could barely stand up at work. To make it more interesting, the pain killers were running out.
The doctor wrote me a new prescription and I made it through the last week to my next appointment. The Ultra Sound tech looked around for about a minute before I saw a huge black mass on the screen above her.
“It's about six centimeters across now.”
“You're not scheduled to see the doctor today, would you like to?”
“Yes please.” o.o
“I'll go see if she can fit you in.”
About twenty minutes later I got to see the doctor. She said it was still likely that the cyst would pop on it's own, in six or seven weeks. My mom pointed out that the wedding was seven weeks away.
“Well, now we could start to consider surgery.”
She held up a chart showing two little metal sticks pointing at an ovarian cyst. It looked fine. One goes in and pops the cyst, the other sucks all the mess out, they close me up and I go home cyst free. Sign me up!
The day before the surgery I was elated. In my life I think I have only ever been more excited about my wedding. Why was I excited? I had no clue what was about to happen.
The Captain came over the morning off and he and my mom drove me to the hospital. I sat down with them in a waiting area for about a minute before a nurse came and walked me to another room with a cot.
My doctor came in and went over the plan again. This time with more detail than when I had been in her office. “We're going to put air in your abdomen so when you wake up your shoulders might hurt, it seems strange but I don't want you to be frightened.”
“And I don't plan on taking your ovary out but in case I do I don't want to have to wake you up to ask your permission so please sign this.”
“And in no time you'll be all healed. Are you going somewhere warm on your honeymoon?”
“Yeah a cruise to the Bahamas.”
“You'll be able to wear your bikini and show off your belly, it will look fine.”
Cool. I don't have a bikini, but cool.
Then the doctor left and the nurse came back. The first thing she asked of me was a urine sample. I forgot to mention that every time I went near this place they would find a reason to draw blood and give them a urine sample.
“It's for a routine pregnancy test. I just need four drops.”
I don't like to be trouble but I had to say something. What came out was “Oh, I... um... I'm not. I'm... ... a virgin.”
“It's just policy.”
I hand off another sample and in no time at all I'm laying on the bed in a hospital gown covered with about six pre warmed blankets. I could get used to this surgery stuff.
I forgot about the IV.
I hate needles. I cannot stress my fear and loathing of them enough. My arms were already bruised from all the times in the last few weeks that I had been really really good and let them draw blood. My poor little arms had had it.
I had a plan though. I was going to think about the Captain and I wading through the creek shortly after we had first started courting. I was going to think about how happy and calm I was then, about picking shells out of the water, about watching the Captain pick up little critters in the water. This nurse had other ideas.
“It just won't advance.”
My hands and feet went numb and I started to squirm. Even thinking about it almost a week later I'm still starting to squirm and my breathing is getting short. (Doesn't help that I'm still all bruised up both arms.)
“Don't pass out on me.”
No, it would have been easier for both of us if I had just passed out. But I tried to calm down, tried to go back to that nice autumn day in the creek.
“So when is your wedding?”
She was trying to help I know, but I had decided I didn't like her so much then.
When she finally got the stupid needle in my arm she let mom and the Captain in. They started chatting with me and I was fine until I felt something in my arm and remembered the needle. I started squirming and crying and panicking and my fingers and toes got numb again. But then the Captain was there. He stood up next to me and kissed me on the top of the head. By the time they came to get me I had calmed down to my mostly reasonable self again.
Mom took my glasses and I remember them wheeling me through the halls into a big cold room where I could see big blurry metal things. They moved me into another bed, one that wasn't very wide. I was afraid of the IV pulling and my arm wouldn't quite fit on the table. I voiced my concerns and a nurse made more room for my arm.
“My elbow feels cold.”
“That's the doctor putting you to sleep. Don't worry, in no time we'll have you back out and you can see your mom.”
I remember saying “The Captain is here too.”
An hour and four incisions later I woke up to them moving me back onto the cot. They moved me into another room and I slowly became aware of where I was. And pain.
“How do you feel?” a nurse asked.
My entire middle hurt, my throat was dry and ached, my legs hurt, and both of my shoulders felt like I had been carrying boulders on sticks for a week.
“... ow...”
I wasn't much better when mom and the Captain came in. Before I even really knew what was happening the nurse and my mom had me sitting up trying to dress me. The Captain had fled because the nurse had started uncovering me in front of him.
I was freezing the entire way home. Everything hurt and I was shivering, which shook all the things that hurt. I ended up throwing up all the water they had given me in the hospital and shooting it all over the car, and myself. When we got home mom helped me in and got me cleaned up. While she did that the Captain cleaned up the vomit in the car. Then he sat with me the rest of the day, making sure I was warm and had water.
So now it's a week later and I'm healing. I found out that the cyst was caused by endometrial tissue that crawled up into my ovary and my ovary went "AAAAAHHHH! MUST GET RID OF!" and tried to get rid of it by turning it into a cyst. However, if that had popped it would have been bad and surgery was about the only way to go. Oh, and I got to keep the poor abused ovary.
The wedding is coming up and now I'll be cyst free and able to enjoy all the festivities. The best part of it all (besides knowing that God is in control) is knowing that I'm going to be marrying the most wonderful man in the entire world. He cleaned up my puke! Guys don't just do that! Besides, he's been amazingly caring and concerned. Other than nearly tearing me apart at the seams by making me laugh.
Also, surgery is not fun. Do not be fooled! O_O